+61 7 3870 2542

We have moved - this site hasn't been updated for about 10 years! Please go to unibikeshop.com.au for the new, updated site.


Hide My Bell: Garmin computer mount with bell attached underneath

Now available in store: $54.95

Carpark Update

UPDATE: 08/09/2016

The carpark is complete and is now in operation for drop off and pickup outside the shop. Please note that the parks outside are for the physio clinic. For extended parking, please use the new undercover hockeyfield park.  There will be temporary occoassions when work crews will need to close the road for safety. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Welcome to our website

Welcome to the Uni bike shop website.  For over 30 years the Uni bike shop, located in the centre of the University of Qld, has serviced cyclists and commuters from all over Brisbane.  We still offer 2 free services with every bike sold.  Please enjoy the site and contact us if you have any enquiries. 

Please come in and check out the new shop at the new location


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